Thursday, 30 June 2016

16 Past Medical Photos That Will Make Your Spine Tingle :)

16 Past Medical Photos That Will Make Your Spine Tingle

We have learnt a lot about our bodies now. Our medical industry has found the cure of many diseases that used to be mass murderers. But things were not the same always. These medical photos will tell you how much our ancestors had suffered in their time so the medical industry can evolve.

1. It Looks Horrible...

It Looks Horrible...
But wet blankets were thought to be quite useful in controlling Mental Retards.

2. Seems Like An Alien!

Seems Like An Alien!
Nurse in protective suit against radioactive rays, circa 1918.

3. Two Cool Babies!

Two Cool Babies!
Children suffering from rickets were used to be treated by tanning in winter; around 1925.

4. What Is Happening Here!

What Is Happening Here!
Meet Dr. Lewis Sayre – that’s how he checked spine’s curvature in the patients of scoliosis

5. An Awkward Kind of Wheel Chair?

An Awkward Kind of Wheel Chair?
This weird machine type structure is known as Dr. Clark's Spinal Apparatus. It was one of the weird treatments for the patients of scoliosis around the year 1878.

6. An Old Defibrillator

An Old Defibrillator
Around 1940s, this device was used to give electric shocks in life-threatening heart conditions.  

7. Physical Abusing?

Physical Abusing?
This is how physiotherapy was done in 1920s.

8. A Terrorist Act?

A Terrorist Act?
No need of anesthesia when you can use ether to perform the surgery; circa 1855.

9. A Dead Doll?

A Dead Doll?
This is an anatomical model of a pregnant woman. In 1680s, doctors used to learn about the body parts from these kinds of models. The coffin was mandatory to give the message that only anatomies of dead people should be observed.

10. This Horrible Looking Chair is European Birthing Chair from the year 1750

This Horrible Looking Chair is European Birthing Chair from the year 1750

11. The Ultimate Radiothor!

The Ultimate Radiothor!
It is the radioactive water! I wonder why they used it! Circa 1928.

12. Real RoboCop!

Real RoboCop!
A prosthetic leg which served around 1890s.

13. Pinocchio's Hand!

Pinocchio's Hand!
No! It was a prosthetic hand of 1800s.

14. Going Outer Space?

Going Outer Space?
This is how patients of polio were treated in the year 1950.

15. Cocaine Toothache Drops! Year: 1885

Cocaine Toothache Drops! Year: 1885
Well! It is great to know we have FDA now.

16. Leech Jar

Leech Jar
In 1800s, physicians used to apply leeches on wounds.

12 Tongue Symptoms | what does your tongue say about your health? Lets start out

what does your tongue say about your health? Lets start out with : Bright Red Tongue

For clues about problems in your mouth, stick out your tongue and look in the mirror. A healthy tongue should be pink and covered with small nodules (papillae). Any deviation from your tongue’s normal appearance, or anypain, may be cause for concern.
Family physician Daniel Allan, MD, discusses why you should watch for changes that might need to be evaluated by a doctor or dentist.

2. Bright Red Tongue:

So, what does your tongue say about your health? Lets start out with : Bright Red Tongue
Bright red signify lack of nutrients like Vitamin B and Iron, heat in specific organs and sometimes as an allergic reaction.

2. Purple Tongue:

Purple Tongue:
Purple Tongue: may suggest you have chronic bronchitis and your body is not getting enough oxygen. Also it may show up when you have high cholesterol levels and poor circulation.

3. Yellow Tongue:

Yellow Tongue:
Pale looking tongue is a sign of low hemoglobin, fatigue and weakness. Problems with lungs and colon are also related to that pale looking color.

4. Black Tongue:

Black Tongue:
First of all take a deep breath as this black looking tongue is actually harmless. When too much bacteria is trapped the result looks like this.

5. White Tongue:

White Tongue:
Again - this is a result from bacteria growth on the tongue.

6. Red Tongue for kids :

Red Tongue for kids :
Kids with unusual red tongue should see a doctor as it is a sign of Scarlet fever and the Kawasaki disease.

7. Brown Tongue:

Brown Tongue:
Melanoma may give you brown tongue so see a doctor if you have it and you are reading this, as you are in a great risk.

8. Red Spots:

Red Spots:
Usually a sign of a deficiency in Vitamin C , a reaction to hot liquids and allergens.

9. Dryness:

When you are producing too much mucus this happen, try to cut down the milk and sugar.

10. Dryness #2 :

Dryness #2 :
Also - stress is related to dry tongue as it makes your salivary glands swell, if you have it, try drinking some lemon water and take some time to relax.

11. Swelling:

This is a sign of an allergy or infection. Look for a warm swelling looking place and check for sting or bite marks. See a doctor if you start developing breathing difficulties.

12. Which Tongue are you?

Which Tongue are you?

11 Nail Symptoms | That Shows The Nails Can Tell You Warning Signs About Your Health!

Nails Symptoms

Eyes may be the windows to the soul, but nails can offer an important glimpse into your overall health. It turns out, having strong, healthy nails isn’t just good news for your manicure—unpleasant nail symptoms could also indicate bigger health problems. We spoke with John Anthony, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and Debra Jaliman, MD, a New York City-based dermatologist and author of Skin Rules about the nail symptoms you shouldn’t ignore (and which are totally normal).The human body is quite astonishing. The body can give us signs for physical problems and nutritional deficiency on parts of the body you may not think of, like the human nails.
 Now you can learn what your fingernails tell about your health with 10 warning signs you should not ignore.

1. Discolored Nails

Discolored Nails
Discolored nails can be used as a sign to indicate an infection, a nutritional deficiency and problems with your organs.
Yellow fingernails may be caused by excessive use of nail polish, but it can also be caused with fungal nail infection, or psoriasis.
Brown nails can be a sign of a thyroid disease or malnutrition.
White nails can point to an iron deficiency.
Bluish-gray tint nails can sign your body might not be getting enough oxygen.
Make sure your nail color is normal.

2. Brittle, Crumbly Nails

Brittle, Crumbly Nails
Dry, brittle nails that frequently split or crack can be related to thyroid disease and fungal infections.
They can also indicate lichen planus (itchy rashes on the skin and the mouth)
Brittle nails can also happen when you age, and from long usage of nail polish.

3. Thickened Nails

Thickened Nails
Mostly this happens when you are infected with a fungal infection to your nail, yet it can also be caused when you have arthritis and lung diseases and diabetes
Eczema and psoriasis can give you yellowish, slow-growing, and thickened nails.

4. Spoon-Shaped Nails

Spoon-Shaped Nails
Nails that are curved inward can be a sign of koilonychia, a disease that can indicate hypochromic anemia.
hemachromatosis, a liver condition can also be a sign when you have spoon like nails.

5. Denting In Nails

Denting In Nails
If you have pits or dents in your nail, don't be alarmed as it is quite normal as a genetic occurrence.
Although we do need to mention that psoriasis and reactive arthritis and eczema are also related to the dents in your nail.

6. Grooves In Nails

Grooves In Nails
Horizontal grooves can be caused from malfunctions during cell division, infections in the nail fold, or finger injuries.
Also there are believed to be caused by nutritional deficiencies, chemotherapy, diabetes, and prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures.

7. Nail Clubbing

 Nail Clubbing
"Drumstick" fingers are when nails curve around the fingertip.
Usually the Nail Clubbing is harmless as it is a genetic occurrence.
If your nail begins to soften - it is a whole different story.Low oxygen levels in your blood causes the softening.

8. White Lines Across Nails

 White Lines Across Nails
Mostly seen on your index finger.
They sign low levels of protein in the blood, as it is a warning sign to liver diseases and malnutrition.
Stress can also be related to these lines.

9. Dark Stripes Running Down Nails

Dark Stripes Running Down Nails
Usually harmless, yet they could be a sign of subungual melanoma, a ferocious form of skin cancer that occurs on the toes or fingers.
This usually happens one nail at a time, so be careful and see a doctor if you have it.

10. Red Or Brown Streaks Underneath Nails

Red Or Brown Streaks Underneath Nails
AKA splinter hemorrhages are thin red/brown streaks under the nails.
Usually there is nothing to be afraid when having these, as they are tiny clots or damaged capillaries.
Sometimes though they are related to rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

 Healthy Diet Leads to Healthy Nails

If you eat a balanced, whole-food diet like the one described in my nutrition plan, you're probably giving your body more-than-adequate amounts of the vitamins and minerals it needs to function. If not (and this applies to the majority of the U.S. population), there's a good chance your body is lacking in important nutrients. Not only can this lead to chronic diseases, but your nail (and hair and skin) health will also suffer.
Healthy sources of protein, like whey protein, free-range eggs, and grass-fed meat, are important (grass-fed beef is also a good source of zinc, which is necessary for making proteins like those found in your nails). Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals found in leafy greens, berries, and other whole foods will also benefit your nail health. Biotin, vitamin B7, is one example.
Your body needs biotin for metabolizing fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids, but it's most well known for its role in strengthening your hair and nails.
Biotin may play a role in building keratin, which makes up your nails. Egg yolks from organic, free-range eggs are one of the best sources of biotin. Animal-based omega-3 fats are also important. Most Americans eat too many inflammatory omega-6 fats (think vegetables oils) and too few anti-inflammatory omega-3s, setting the stage for health problems like depression, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, just to name a few. Inflammation may also interfere with nail development.
The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is 1:1, but the typical Western diet is between 1:20 and 1:50. Brittle or soft nails are a common signs that your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio may be out of balance. Try cutting back on vegetable oils and eating more animal-based omega-3s from krill oil, sardines, or anchovies.

7 Pictures - It Is Now Scientifically Proven - It Seems Women Care A Lot About Your How Tall

The long period of dissipation indicates a strong impact of male height on women.

It Is Now Scientifically Proven - It Seems Women Care A Lot About Your How Tall You Are See it 7 Pictures

1. A research was conducted by Kitae Sohn from Konkuk University in Seoul, (S.A)National Flag South Korea.

A research was conducted by Kitae Sohn from Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea.

2. The research investigated That women are happier with taller husbands.

The research investigated whether women are happier with taller husbands.

The Research investigated that women are happier with taller husnands.A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness. This relationship gradually weakened over time and entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration. The husband's resourcefulness was a minor mediator in the relationship. We thus argue that the husband's height and its correlates made his wife initially happy, but their influence waned over time. "

3. In the research, Kitae employed nationally representative Indonesian data.

For the research, Kitae employed nationally representative Indonesian data.
For the research Kitae employed nationally representative indonasian dat.Note that Indonesia was the only country that was analyzed. A survey responses of 7,850 helped determine whether height matters in a relationship.

4. Greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness.

A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness.
A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness.In The research found that women who chose to marry a taller man reported higher levels of overall happiness, which suggests that the taller the husband, the happier the wife will be.

5. This relationship entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration.

This relationship entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration.
The relationship entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration. In The research found that happiness that is determined with the husband's height does not last forever. The relationship of the taller person had , "gradually weakened over time and entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration."

6. The long period of dissipation indicates a strong impact of male height on women.

The long period of dissipation indicates a strong impact of male height on women.
So why do women care for height as an important physical trait when picking a partner?
Due to the fact the study was conducted in one country where the average Indonesian male height is 162.4 cm (5' 3.9"), Viralands team has a theory about the importance of height in countries where the average male is not considered tall.
In a poll that was made on Tumblr, there were almost 200 respondents that thought otherwise.

7. Good news for the shorter guys here. Here are some of the female responses from the Tumblr poll, who disagree with the conclusion of the scientific research.

Good news for the shorter guys here. Here are some of the female responses from the Tumblr poll, who disagree with the conclusion of the scientific research.
"I don't see why I wouldn't [date a guy who was shorter than me]," quoted one user . "It may not be likely because I'm 5'3" but f*** those social norms that imply men have to be the taller ones." Another female user wrote , "of all the things that matter in a partner, height seems pretty meaningless no matter what genders are involved. I genuinely don't understand people that will only date taller partners." The last comment kind of shuffled the cards, "I don't care how tall he is as long as he has a big dick.".

So what do you think, does height matter in a relationship? Please comment your response.

This Is How MRI Scanner See "Love Making", It's Amazing!

How it starts

This Is How MRI Scanner See "Love Making", It's Amazing!

Science researchers are fascinated with the idea of checking how intimacy acts looks under MRI scan. A couple volunteered to help them explain to us, what happens inside your body when you get "down to business" .

1. See How it starts

How it starts
It takes around 10-30 seconds of physical and vision stimulation before your body starts to respond to the stimulation by making you hard or wet.

2. Second part :)

Second part src="" style="border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; outline: 0px !important; vertical-align: middle;" />
Secind part is The male's penis gets harder and bigger while his testicles pull back into the scrotum as he gets excited. The labia majora of girl's private part grow in size and get narrower. Girls who never experienced childbirth sometimes turn brighter down there when aroused.

3. The male orgasm is quite interesting when getting the details :)

The male orgasm is quite interesting when getting the details.
The Male orgasm is quite interseting when getting the details.See The climax appeared when the urethral bulb begins to collect seminal fluid and the ejaculation follows. The make penis continuously contracts in order to create a sensitive sensation for the men.

4. The female orgasm works different from the male

The female orgasm works different from the male
Every eight-tenths of a second, the vaginal wall contracts and release in a rhythmic pattern. The contraction depends on the type of orgasm. The females's blood pressure, her breathing and pulse sky rockets while in the same time she moves into a denser feeling of pleasure from the hormone "Oxytocin".

5. It's not over when you orgasm.

It's not over when you orgasm
it's not over when you orgasm.When the couple are finished with their orgasms, their bodies needs around 20 minutes to come back to normal functions.Prolactin is released in males when you orgasm and it makes the male refractory period . In women, the swelling around the uterus and clitoris decrease to the normal level in a shorter period of time.